Staying up with compliance and effectively managing risk, remain a focus area of just about every bank and credit union. The art of doing so is difficult, messy, and takes an exorbitant amount of time. Most FI leaders manage and execute initiatives from dozens of excel files and ancillary silo’d systems that are often lost, inappropriately saved, and ineffectively position employees for risk/compliance success. FASI has partnered with ViClarity to provide community FI’s with a complete Process Management System to use organization wide, eliminating these silo’s and creating a single location for all team collaboration and activity.
“The management of BCU’s existing vendor review process has always been a manual process using a number of non-integrated systems. As a result, the annual review process was a time-consuming undertaking to manage, the introduction of the ViClarity ERM solution has drastically improved my ability to efficiently manage BCU’s vendor management program for existing and new vendors. The software is simple to use, customizable and implementation took no more than a few weeks.”
This software solution comes with over a dozen pre-populated templates for the major risk and compliance areas within the financial industry including regulations from FDIC, NCUA and CFBP. ViClarity works with over 100 global institutions, requires no IT infrastructure, and is fully adaptable to fit your business. It affords you the confidence that all activities in your FI are transparent, controllable, tractable, accurate and allow for greater strategic Management.
Learn more by visiting our partner's page. ViClarity